This is the grandaddy of all discoveries.
The alpha and the omega.
The beginning and the end.
The big "Kahuna".
Nothing less.
Nothing will ever compare to this.
You should throw everything you got into this because it's real.
It's the purest of truth and as actual a fact as you will ever hear.
All you got to do is look around you.
"The truth is in the pudding".
This is the pudding.
Tell everybody you have discovered it and it is nothing like you expected.
"The meaning of life and all existence".
Ask that of the monkey or giraffe or the hippopotamus..
Ask them where their names come from.
Ask them to tell you about gods and demons and devils.
Ask them where all this came from and how everything came to be.
Tell them you think there must be more to life.
That this isn't enough.
That you want to see the skies open up and for god to come down from the heavens.
That anybody that does not believe this is of the devil and going tho hell for eternity and that you are going to heaven because you accepted god as your savior.
His bible.
Written by man but inspired by god.
Tell them that.
Tell them that all men are born evil and must accept Jesus into their lives to be born again into gods realm of his true believers.
That you are a saint.
Gods chosen people.
I just polished off just under three pounds 3# of Ribeye Steak from Sam's Club with nothing on it.
Water to drink.
$9.99 a pound.
It wasn't great but it was good.
I'm celebrating being alive and trying to improve my health.
Time for a nap.
Have a good day..
I have been up since 4:00 AM.
I had an early appointment to have a blood test for my doctors visit next week.
Just an annual exam.
I almost never go to the doctor and would never go if I had my way.
I got that damn thyroid pill I have to take and they won't refill unless I get tested at least once a year.
Mayo treated me for Graves Disease about twenty or thirty years ago for an over active thyroid and tried to kill my thyroid gland with nuclear radiation.
They said one in a thousand it will kill the over active part and leave the functioning part alone.
I was the one in a thousand and didn't have to take anything for the first year or so.
Trying to treat my obesity and depression a few years later they put me on 100 MCG once a day of Levothyroxine.
Pigs thyroid.
I would like to get off from it and did one time with no ill effects.
It's to big a gamble to take right now.
I need to live if I can.
For my grandkids and this message I'm trying to bring forward here.
Thyroid medicine is one of the most over prescribed drugs there is.
Don't let them mess with your thyroid.
It's one of the most important glands we have.
It regulates everything.
They hand out that medicine like candy.
Doctors are really dumb.
About as dumb as it gets.
All drugs are shit to start with.
Legal, illegal and doctors drugs and our food and drink stimulant drugs.
They are all pure shit.
Life is not pure shit.
Drug free is a great existence.
Just like all of the other species.
It's a privilege just to be alive.
Don't squander and waste it making money or living a shit lifestyle.
Have a good day..
Love, Tom
The sweetest word you will ever hear,
You will hear it a million times and it is music every time you hear it.
A hundred times in a row sometimes.
Grandpa grandpa grandpa.. I love it.
My grandchildren are my whole life.
I love them dearly.