"High" being what one gets when they use drugs to get high and feel good.
When I was a kid in grade school my best friend would have headaches.
His name was Tom and he lived a half mile from my house and we would be together a lot of the time.
All through grade school and then junior high and high school.
He went into the military and I got married and we haven't seen each other since, except maybe one time many years ago.
The girls would always be crazy about him and then they would fall for me.
Great years.
So Tom has these headaches from time to time.
I can't understand how a head can ache.
A toothache yes, a bruise or sore yes.
How could ones head ache.
I think he might have said it was like your head cracking or breaking open or something.
My dad had headaches too.
I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to them beyond the not knowing how your head could ache, and being somewhat perplexed by this notion.
You could see the pain and stress in their demeanor and faces and eyes.
They were plainly in pain and having headaches sometimes.
I was glad I didn't have them and remained bumfuzzled.
Finally at about twenty five years of age, after a drinking bout with alcohol, I believe.
I had a headache.
Now I knew what they were talking about.
My head hurt and felt like it was cracking.
It left and I have only had a few dozen maybe in my entire lifetime and never a migraine but now I know what a headache is.
Getting back to the state of high and understanding what high is has some of these same elements.
We are able to imagine only so much.
Some things we need to experience in order to understand them.
Here is another off topic thing.
We assume everybody has them.
Nighttime usually but also daydreams.
Fantasy and hallucinations in the same realm.
So what's dreams got to do with this.
We are pretty much schooled at the thoughts that dreams are what this world is made of.
Or rather that dreams are something we aspire too.
Be it goals or wealth or having a family or being a doctor or actor or mountain climber.
Anything and everything.
We dream or think these things and then aspire to them if we so choose.
Anything being possible in this great land and government, at the core.
So dream your dreams and become those dreams as you so choose young man or young women.
It is good to have dreams and aspirations we are told.
The assumptions that we all have them and we should not limit ourselves and what we dream.
Dream big and accomplish these dreams if you choose too in this great land of prosperity and freedom.
The world, at your fingertips.
Dreaming a great thing.
Or are dreams simply a part of being high and star struck by stimulants.
Here is the gist of what I'm trying to say.
What we see as perfectly natural and normal because we have never known anything else, is not necessarily natural and normal.
The state of being "high" is simply feeling better.
Better than we normally would unless things are going really well for us and we are just bubbling over with effervescence and youth and love.
A heroin addict on television the other day was describing the heroin high.
Addicted I think it was called.
He said it made you tingly and you felt like you were being lovingly hugged all over.
Some say the next best thing to orgasm or better.
Instantly and long lasting with the needle.
Endorphins I would say.
The same as nature has to offer in times of death or extreme pain.
This is the point I'm getting at.
I found myself wondering what these states of high must be before ever experiencing them.
I'm thinking that the drugs themselves can't just manufacture feelings from nothing and that they must induce these feelings that already exist within our body chemistry and our mental chemistry.
That is what they turn out to be.
More exhilaration and wellbeing than one might expect without the drug.
So if we are high continuously and without knowing it from the sugars and carbohydrates we eat and drink continuously as I say, we would first say that this is perfectly normal energy.
Except that it doesn't exist in true nature.
Not at this level.
That much sugar and carbohydrate consumption and ratios to fat and protein and fiber do not exist in the real world.
We would vomit them up if they did.
We have built up a tolerance to them.
What does exist is the same sugars and carbohydrates in vastly smaller quantities for us to consume in the real world.
In these ratios that nature intended we are not high.
They are simply part of natures perfect foods.
But that's only if you understand what high is.
Citrus Fruit, oranges and grapefruit and limes, all have alcohol in them.
We don't classify them as alcohol because the amounts are so small.
Even with all of the hybreeding and farming and availability on our store shelves.
You could eat ten pounds of them and still have little to no effects from the alcohol.
Now concentrate that alcohol and what have you got.
It's the same with the sugars and carbohydrates.
Powerful potent drugs when concentrated and consumed as we do.
But we don't know it.
We don't think we are high.
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