Fixing this broken world is a huge endeavor.
When people try to think of me as having some kind of a "White" phobia or "White Hate", or self loathing, or a guilt complex, white being my own race, I say no.
"White", just like "Black", is beautiful.
Just like all races and all people are beautiful.
Our women, our children, our men.
All species are beautiful for that matter, not just humans.
Humans less if anything.
That doesn't change any of the wrongs we have done.
Whites have an atrocious background, currently and otherwise.
Past and present and undoubtably our foreseeable future.
If it was "Blacks" having done and doing all this to white people, I would be screaming from the rooftops about Blacks.
I do scream about what is being done for that matter.
If it was Mexicans or Asians it would be the same.
Shit is shit is shit, no matter where it comes from.
Race relations being a very complex issue.
Religious issues even greater.
That said we "White People" got to find a way to "undo" what we can of the past and stop doing the same thing in the present and future.
We opened the flood gates and I don't begrudge that.
We took it from the Indians in the first place.
We should have stayed in Europe.
We didn't.
Now we got to find a way to unravel this mess.
All of the races still favor their own.
It's nature, bred into us for tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years.
Probably millions of years.
Just like our sexuality.
Males and females.
Twisting all of this around and trying to make it good and normal is probably not going to work.
The same thing with the religions.
Totally against nature.
All of them.
So what do we do.
I'm starting by identifying the culprit that started all this bullshit and trying to turn that around.
It's impossible but that doesn't mean we don't try.
Just like the Blacks and the Mexicans, we favor our own and improve what we can.
I think that splitting America up between the races has merit.
That and then lots of neutral territory.
Something like Europe.
Only between the Races, rather than within the races.
Actually both, with each race dealing with their own territory.
Venture into Black territory and you will be on black ground.
Black government, black law, black cops, black teachers, black jails, black everything.
The same when the black person enters white territory.
That's the way it is now in the jails and penitentiaries and schools and neighborhood.
I say we expand on that.
That's what nature wants and that is the only thing that will work I believe.
The neutral territory favoring the most numbers and the wielding of the most power.
Indians with their own territory.
Mexican the same.
Asians and whoever else there is the same.
The same with the financial institutions and business and everything else.
Tons of neutral and everybody territory but also huge blocks of race and nationality territory also.
Even specific religious territories and sexual orientation territories.
This thing about we all being the same only goes so far.
Separation and segregation has it's place.
It's the only chance we got.
Nothing else will work.
The alternative is the annihilation of the White race and Christianity.
That's what's happening.
I want better for my children.
They have done no wrong.
That's why I fight and why I fight for the truth.
I believe that with the knowledge of how all of this insanity began, we potentially, could make things better.
Rather than blindly foraging ahead down the dead end road.
Whites rising up and killing hundreds of millions is another distinct possibility.
I hope for something less.
We fought off the other races once before, just like they us.
We didn't have bombs and seven billion people in those days.
That's why the end of the world is prophetsized and heaven and hell and all that.
That's why the opposition is demonized.
The blood bath could well occur.
The thing is that the sky is not going to open up and no gods are going to intervene.
That started with "Jewish Protectionism".
They being "hell bent" on never being slaves again.
I don't blame them.
Everybody having to bow to them, I don't believe either.
I think they should give up Jerusalem and the whole territory they hold and all move to Texas.
The new "Jewish State".
Problem being the Indians and the Mexicans claiming this territory.
I say the Indians and Mexicans got plenty of ground if they get all of their right's back.
Give Texas to the Jews.
Let the Arabs rule their own lands and territories and religions and economies and resources.
Solves a lot of problems, especially if we all live our lives as satisfied within our territory and wealth and realize that this more, more, more and bigger, bigger, bigger, better, better, better is all bullshit.
The modern world and values and lifestyles are cannibalising us.
Killing us.
Continuously creating more wealth, is killing us.
Your warm and your fed and the kids are laughing and playing, you have it all.
You are a rich man.
In the real world we spend most all of our time in our village with our women and children and the making and raising of our children and dwellings and food and water.
There is plenty of men stuff, just like there is plenty of women stuff and plenty of children and adolescent stuff and plenty of all of our stuff.
Nature made it that way.
Puss like to be with puss, just like cocks like to be with cocks.
But not all the time.
There is plenty of man women stuff, just like there is plenty of woman man stuff.
The same with children.
There really are no problems except those we are making.
Throw away the stimulants and drugs and religion and distorted sexualities, and we have it all.
Those with these afflictions we will have to deal with.
They are many.
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