And then saying we are not doing it or that it is of necessity.
If not us, them.
We are universally hated by all of the races.
Even White People(Russian), hate us when seen as an aggressor or threat to their people.
Russians hate us and rightfully so.
If I wasn't white I would hate white people too.
We and Europe are dictators but we don't know it.
Our "wealthy" and "corporate" individuals and banks and wall street and insurance and big oil have us taking over and ruling other nations as well as ourselves still today.
"Demonizing" those big enough to oppose our armies.
Mostly Russia and China.
We have turned this whole world upside down and destroyed everything in the process.
There is still lot's left but we are destroying that too with our poison air and water.
It's unforgivable what we have done.
Totally brainwashed and fighting for our leaders.
Just like those before us.
We had to not only fight but love and adore the kings and queens or they would kill not only us but our women and children and babies.
Whole villages.
We came to genuinely love and admire and fight to the death for them.
Either that or they would murder our families.
It had to be real, so we loved them "for real".
Our rulers, our kings.
Stimulated out of their minds and then stimulating us too.
Much like the "pimps" do today.
With fear, fear that is real.
Then the bribery and rewards
All, for "more".
"More", "more", "more".
I know for a fact that we white people ended up in this mess of world government control quite by accident just like all of the other races and nationalities and their takeovers of other peoples lands and territories.
I'm not letting us off the hook, I'm just stating the facts of how this happened.
I'm the only person on the planet earth that has the explanation as to why these different tribes and different races became "warmongers", -- destroyed the planet earth in the process.
Killing and maiming hundreds of millions of men and women and children.
Still today.
Ask me why I am "screaming" from the rooftops.
I believe that the "white" europeans, over the centuries and thousands of years and even tens of thousands of years of "timespans" and "deadly battles" between huge nations and races of different peoples, won out except for land masses and populations that were to huge for them to takeover.
The combination of processed sugars and hybrid plant life, including everything that we eat and drink today, having had it's sugar content raised a hundred fold.
Hundreds of times more sugar and sucrose and fructose and lactose and starch than nature ever intended.
Add alcohol, caffeine and nicotine and multiply "the stimulant factor" hundreds of more times and then add cultivation and farming and marketing and transportation to this hybreeding and we end up consuming thousands of times more stimulants than nature ever intended.
We start our day by feeding our stimulant addictions that we inadvertently acquired and proceed to feed this addiction throughout the day and night every sing day of our lives.
We think it's normal.
It's speed.
It exaggerates and distorts all of our normal instincts but we don't know it.
It's stupidly simple and obvious but we can't see it.
Simple stuff, yes but we can't see it.
That's how stupid we and the rest of this worlds people have become.
All of this worlds upset and chaos are the result of hybrid carbohydrate consumption.
Mostly wheat and the rest of the grains and seeds as well as all of our fruit and vegetables and milk.
We have turned the earth into consumers of these sugars and the development of support systems to house and feed and clothe and transport and medicate, bury and arm this population having gone from under one billion persons just a little over one hundred years ago to over seven billion today.
A little over one hundred years.
All, stimulant driven and completely unnatural to man.
Sugar, hybrid plant life, caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.
It could easily be said that we are never going to be able to change this.
It's huge.
Enormous beyond description.
I personally think that by acknowledging what has happened and what is happening we could possibly take another look at this whole situation from a different point of view and possibly improve our lot.
We can't bring it back to square one but we can, or could, reevaluate our goals and missions and adapt to a lot more humane and healthy lifestyle and throw the false wealth reality and lust for power and wealth and more into the garbage can.
Simple and normal health, aggression, wealth and safety and wellbeing for our families being paramount.
The real world.
Life is a wonderful thing.
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